Hi Boris,
Skype for Business should work fine with Relianoid as well.
Which is your current configuration? Both UDP and TCP protocols should be enabled in L4 farm, and probably source IP affinity if your users are internal.
Hello, exactly it is a defect in the source code.
It raises:
Too few arguments for subroutine ‘main::setFarmCipherList’ (got 2; expected 3) at /usr/share/perl5/Relianoid/HTTP/Controllers/API/Farm/Put/HTTP.pm line 322.
To solve it go to the line 322 of the file “/usr/share/perl5/Relianoid/HTTP/Controllers/API/Farm/Put/HTTP.pm”, please change the line:
if (&setFarmCipherList($farmname, $ciphers_lib) == -1) {
if (&setFarmCipherList($farmname, $ciphers_lib, $json_obj->{cipherc}) == -1) {
We’re planning the next Community Edition 7.5 for the following weeks and this patch will be included for sure.
Hi Willem, which is the problem you’re facing with the Community Edition installation?
Hi Johannes,
We’re not aware of such kind of issue. Please ensure that your renewal commands include the “–restart”:
–restart all the farms using the certificate will be restarted
Something like:
/usr/local/relianoid/bin/noid-letsencrypt-autorenew […] –restart
Also, we recommend to use the latest CE v7 version to be up to date.
Sure, we have compiled an article for that, please refer to the link below:
Looking forward to your feedback,
Just to add that next week will be a new release of RELIANOID CE, so probably you could wait until it is released and enjoy of the new features.
If your configuration is simple, you could deploy a new instance of RELIANOID CE Load Balancer and then, apply the configuration.
In regards to the SSL certificates, you can copy them without concern to the new instance.
Kind Regards.
Thank you for your report, we’ll take care of it for the next release RELIANOID CE 7.2
Can you send the farm configuration files via support@relianoid.com ?
Thank you.
Did you follow this guide?
Migrating from Zevenet CE to RELIANOID ADC Load Balancer Community Edition
Or which script did you use?
Thank you.
You could edit the farm configuration file of every proxy farm and add the Control directive in the form:
Control “/tmp/FARMNAME_proxy.socket”
Just before the ListenHTTP(S) directive. Then restart the farms and they should create the control socket.
The template for the proxy configuration is under /usr/local/relianoid/share/poundtpl.cfg and should include such directive. How did you created such farms? Did you imported a backup?
In case that it is about a HTTP farm you should have a “pound” process running that should open a control socket defined in the directive “Control” of the farm configuration file “/usr/local/relianoid/config/FARM-NAME_proxy.cfg”. Then, you could execute the ctl command over such socket defined in the farm configuration.
root@noid-ce:~# /usr/local/relianoid/app/pound/sbin/poundctl -c /tmp/<FARM_NAME>_proxy.socket
If the socket is defined but doesn’t exist then that could be the status problem faced. Restarting the farm should regenerate the socket file.
If farmguardian is not detecting down the backends, probably is the reverse proxy. Please check the status of the backends with the command:
root@noid-ce:~# /usr/local/relianoid/app/pound/sbin/poundctl -c /tmp/<FARM_NAME>_proxy.socket
Ciao Stefano,
Please refer to the documentation explaining the color codes for both HTTP and L4 farms.
The “critical” status would mean there are no backends available to deliver the traffic. You could disable temporary the farm guardian advanced checks just to confirm the health scripts are not affecting to the status of the backends.
Hope that helps,