Network | Aliases

Aliases play a crucial role in simplifying the management of backends and networking IP addresses, enhancing usability and abstraction of network configurations.

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Backends Aliases #

This table facilitates the management of backend aliases, assigning names or aliases to backend IP addresses.

IP Address. IPv4 or IPv6 address of the backend.
Alias. Name or identifier for the backend IP address.

Interfaces Aliases #

This table displays aliases for interfaces configured within the system.

Interface. Name of the interface as stored in the system.
Alias. Name or identifier for the interface.

Aliases Actions #

This section allows management of aliases associated with specific interfaces or IP addresses.

Create IP Alias. Opens a form to create a new alias for a backend IP address or network interface.
Delete. Removes the configuration of the alias.
Edit. Used for assigning new values to an alias.

Note: Both backend and interface aliases share similar action properties, providing consistent management capabilities across different aspects of network configuration.


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