LSLB | Stats | Graphs

LSLB | Stats | Graphs

This section displays the monitoring graph history of established and pending connections for current farms over four different periods: the last day, the last week, the last month, and the last year.

The monitored connections are:

Established: Connections confirmed and marked as ESTABLISHED. For L4xNAT profile farms, this indicates a connection to the backend (as it functions like a router). For HTTP-profiled farms, it means there’s a connection to the virtual server.
Pending: Connections marked as SYN that have not yet been confirmed. An increase in pending connections signifies a higher rate of unserved requests.

Each graph also shows the last value gathered, including minimum, maximum, and average values. Additionally, you can use the range selector if the Enable data range selector command is activated.

relianoid lslb lb farm stats daily graphs

relianoid lslb lb farm stats weekly graphs

Next step, see the backends stats.


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