LSLB | SSL Certificates | Generate PEM

LSLB | SSL Certificates | Generate PEM

This section manages the creation of PEM certificates without a passphrase and Private Key included in the same certificate. This is the format supported by the Web Proxy Engine used for the load balancing module LSLB profile HTTPS.

relianoid load balancer v8 ssl generate pem

This form includes the following fields:

Name: This field is used to provide a descriptive name for identifying the file in the certificate storage.
Private Key: This section stores the certificate key information without a passphrase.
Server/Fullchain certificate: Here, you input details related to the certificate itself, including the common name(s) to be certified.
Intermediate certificates: This area holds the Intermediate Certificates and the Certificate Authority that signed the Server Name(s).

Upon completing these sections and clicking the Apply button, the system validates the information using the OpenSSL library. If any issues are detected, an informational error message will be displayed for the system administrator to resolve.


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