Disable unsecure TLS protocols for cherokee RELIANOID Load Balancer web GUI service

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Disable unsecure TLS protocols for cherokee RELIANOID Load Balancer web GUI service

< 1 min read

What is cherokee? #

Cherokee is the web GUI server for RELIANOID Load Balancer for both, the graphical user interface to manage the load balancer but also, the API interface. For that reason, management interfaces are essential to be secured and cherokee is one important part of it.

Identify the configuration file #

Enter to the Load Balancer via command line and edit he configuration cherokee confguration file:

root@noid-ee-01:~# nano /usr/local/relianoid/app/cherokee/etc/cherokee/cherokee.conf

Add the TLS configuration #

Then, detect the line “server!tls!protocol!SSLv2 = 0” and add just before such line:

server!tls!protocol!SSLv3 = 0
server!tls!protocol!TLSv1 = 0
server!tls!protocol!TLSv1_1 = 0

Restart the cherokee web service #

Finally, restart the web service with:

root@noid-ee-01:~# systemctl restart cherokee

Now, the web GUI and API management won’t use unsecured protocols.


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