The aim of this guide is to provide a step by step procedure to upgrade from RELIANOID ADC Load Balancer Community Edition from version 6.2 to version 8, maintaining the configuration.
Pre-requisites #
1. Have version 6.2 Enterprise Edition appliance already installed.
2. Update to the latest v6.2.
3. Before applying this upgrade, a full backup/OS backup is recommended in every node in case of a cluster.
4. Online and offline upgrade are available, please follow the steps below to proceed.
Online upgrade requirements #
The only requirement is to have Internet connectivity in the load balancer and accessibility to via APT. Please consider that DNS are resolving and configure the HTTP/S proxy for APT if required.
Offline upgrade requirements #
Please download the latest ISO from the Central Support Portal and upload in the Load Balancer into the /usr/local/relianoid/updates/ (or /usr/local/zevenet/updates/) path.
Upgrading Enterprise #
Starting with RELIANOID 6.2.34, upgrades to major versions (ex. from Enterprise Edition 6.2 to 8.0) are managed using the checkupgrades tool. Please follow the following simple steps to proceed with an upgrade of your load balancers:
1. Begin by creating a snapshot of both nodes in the cluster. This precaution allows you to revert any changes if necessary, ensuring the stability and integrity of your system.
2. Destroy the cluster service from the master node. The farm and VIP services in the backup node will remain disabled in order to avoid any collision.
3. Connect to the backup node via SSH command line and upgrade the node. Run the checkupgrades -U command to configure the new major repository version and proceed with the upgrade of the system.
root@noid-ee-02:~# checkupgrades -U
Some questions about configuration files of “ssh”, “issue” and “snmp” will be prompted. Just press Enter, then confirm to keep the local version currently installed. Also, some dialogs about accepting licenses or restart of services would require to be accepted.
Configuration file '/etc/init.d/ssh' ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation. ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version. What would you like to do about it ? Your options are: Y or I : install the package maintainer's version N or O : keep your currently-installed version D : show the differences between the versions Z : start a shell to examine the situation The default action is to keep your current version. *** ssh (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? ENTER
When finished the upgrade, please reboot the node.
After rebooting the system and connecting via the web interface, a new activation certificate will be requested and it can be issues in the URL .
4. Connect to the master node via web GUI and stop the farm services and Virtual IPs (except the maintenance IP address of every node), while enabling them in the just upgraded backup node.
5. Test the services. At this point, if any issue is detected you can revert or fix the issues before continuing updating the master node.
6. Connect to the master node via SSH command line and upgrade the node by running the command checkupgrades -U.
root@noid-ee-01:~# checkupgrades -U
Then, reboot the node.
root@noid-ee-01:~# reboot
After rebooting the system and connecting via the web interface, a new activation certificate will be requested and it can be issued in the URL . In the case that you need to move your old definitive activation certificates to the upgraded system, please contact us to provide those.
7. Finally, recreate the cluster service under the System > Cluster section in the current active node.