Upgrade from Community v7 to Enterprise v8

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Upgrade from Community v7 to Enterprise v8

1 min read

This guide aims to provide a step-by-step procedure for upgrading from RELIANOID ADC Load Balancer Community Edition version 7 to Enterprise Edition version 8 while preserving all configurations.

Prerequisites #

1. Ensure you have the latest version of Community Edition v7 installed.
2. Ensure you have Internet connectivity from the load balancer.
3. It is highly recommended to perform a full backup before starting the upgrade process.
4. The upgrade can only be performed online. Please follow the steps outlined below to proceed.

Online upgrade requirements #

The only requirement is that the load balancer has internet access and can reach repo.relianoid.com via APT. Ensure DNS is functioning correctly, and configure a navigation proxy for APT if needed.

Upgrading Community #

1. Fill the Upgrade from Community To Enterprise Form and you’ll receive an email with the APT configuration.
2. Upload this file into the path /etc/apt/apt.conf of the load balancer Community Edition.
3. Execute in command line:

noid-01:~# /usr/local/relianoid/bin/checkupdates -E


noid-01:~# /usr/local/relianoid/bin/noid-updater -E

A couple of dialogs will appear asking for the acceptance of some licenses, just press Yes.

4. Reboot the system.
5. Finally, access to the web interface and activate your Enterprise Edition for 30-days with the EE Activation Form .

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