Fail to change Cypher suite

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  • #56366 Reply

      Hello, when I try to change Cyphers, I got this error in console:

      PUT https://xxxxxxxxx:444/api/v4.0/api.cgi/farms/xxxxx 500 (Internal Server Error)

      I can’t change it. I tried on evenry https server farm with same result.

      RELIANOID Version: 7.4.0
      WebGUI Version: 2.1.0
      Appliance Version: RCE 7

      Is it a bug?

      #56368 Reply

        Hello, exactly it is a defect in the source code.

        It raises:

        Too few arguments for subroutine ‘main::setFarmCipherList’ (got 2; expected 3) at /usr/share/perl5/Relianoid/HTTP/Controllers/API/Farm/Put/ line 322.

        To solve it go to the line 322 of the file “/usr/share/perl5/Relianoid/HTTP/Controllers/API/Farm/Put/”, please change the line:

        if (&setFarmCipherList($farmname, $ciphers_lib) == -1) {


        if (&setFarmCipherList($farmname, $ciphers_lib, $json_obj->{cipherc}) == -1) {

        We’re planning the next Community Edition 7.5 for the following weeks and this patch will be included for sure.


        #56369 Reply

          Thank you, it works.

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