At the end of October 2023, the UK’s national treasure, the British Library, faced a significant disruption to its services due to an IT outage. However, it soon emerged that...
The Netdev 0x18 Conference, held from July 15th to 19th, 2024, in Santa Clara, California, brought together leading minds in Linux networking for a week of insightful presentations, technical sessions,...
Load balancing is crucial for building reliable distributed systems, optimizing workload allocation across various computing resources like computers, clusters, and network links. Its aim is to enhance resource utilization, maximize...
The widespread adoption of virtualization in recent years has revolutionized the efficiency and scalability of IT infrastructure, offering cost-effective solutions to businesses. While over 90% of organizations have embraced server...
A massive telecommunications outage struck Australia, leaving millions of citizens and businesses without mobile and internet services due to a network failure at the telecommunications company Optus. This disruption led...
In our current digital landscape, where websites and applications need to be available 24/7, load balancers play a crucial role in distributing traffic across multiple servers to ensure optimal performance...
A Network Operations Center (NOC) serves as a central hub where an organization’s IT teams oversee network performance. The NOC provisions servers, databases, ample hard disk storage, and a robust...
Introduction The journey toward achieving and sustaining PCI DSS Compliance presents a formidable challenge for organizations of all sizes. Whether it’s a large-scale corporation, a mid-sized enterprise, or a small...
5G holds a lot of potential for businesses. The promise of speeds up to 20 Gbps and near-zero latency could help companies become faster and more connected than ever. Despite...
Find out what IPsec and IPsec tunnel mode is? When do you need it? How does it work? Do VPNs use IPsec? And protect your data today! There is an...