Insights, News, and Updates on Load Balancing Technology
and RELIANOID’s Innovations


23 March 2021

The world of the internet is full of people waiting to breach into your system. They want to get a grasp of your personal information and exploit it. This might not be a concern for an individual, but for a business, privacy is all that matters. According to a survey in 2018, 43% of fall...

18 March 2021

Even though it has been only a few months since the already famous attack on the SolarWinds supply chain, again we have to write about another hacking issue, this time related to Microsoft Exchange Server. In this case, the Zero-day vulnerabilities found in Microsoft Exchange Server 2013, 2016, and 2019 permit an attacker to exploit...

11 March 2021

Find out what IPsec and IPsec tunnel mode is? When do you need it? How does it work? Do VPNs use IPsec? And protect your data today! There is an increasing focus on protecting data transfer as the lockdown continues in most countries across the globe. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become a tool of...

23 February 2021

When you connect to public Wi-Fi, you actually put your online privacy and device security at great risk. That’s because these are weak, open networks and can be penetrated by an intruder for sensitive data packets. While we can’t avoid using this service, here is how we can achieve a protective shield against cyberthreats while...

16 February 2021

Networking is always facing new challenges and threats and it becomes more and more vital to manage the safest and most accurate tools to provide all the security needed. As a part of our extensive services, Relianoid has developed a system to achieve these goals. Let us introduce you to: VULS applied to Relianoid Vuls...

30 April 2020

We all already know that cybercriminals take advantage of human weaknesses and high-profile situations for financial gain. Hence COVID-19 outbreak has been a great breeding ground for them. In this article, we’ll analyze cyber actor patterns and major cyber-threats detected since the Coronavirus pandemic came out. COVID-19 cyber attacks in figures As of March 30...

18 March 2020

Did you know that Relianoid implements different techniques to provide higher performance and high scale for non-connection oriented and real-time services like UDP (User Datagram Protocol), SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), VoIP (Voice over IP), VPN (Virtual Private Network), SYSLOG (System Logging Protocol), DNS (Domain Name System), DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) among others? Due to...

12 March 2020

At Relianoid, we’ve been always available and mobilized under social security of every kind in order to take advantage of our expertise to support the business continuity of different sectors like Education, Health Care, Financial, Industry among others. Our willingness to face new challenges and critical situations to provide the best support and assistance is...

28 March 2019

This edition of the Netdev Conference 0x13 has been driven by a great organization and the high quality of the talks and open discussions. The broad variety of companies, technologies and profiles gives to this community event an important reference to the Linux Networking environment. All of that, joined with the highlighted presence of people...

13 March 2019

Due to the recent news about the Internet and power outages suffered in Venezuela, RELIANOID agreed to provide free load balancing software and support services to any Venezuelan company or organization in order to restore as soon as possible the services in the country. How can RELIANOID help? In cases of global infrastructure disaster, RELIANOID...

08 March 2019

RELIANOID is proud to present the definitive guide of SIP proxy load balancing to build scalable VoIP scalability, highly available and with enhanced security. In addition, advanced health check to the backends are proposed launching dummy calls to the real SIP servers. Find out the details in the knowledge base article: https://www.relianoid.com/knowledge-base/howtos/how-to-load-balance-and-create-highly-available-sip-and-pbx-services/

01 February 2019

Relianoid is proud to announce the new Support Plans available in order to simplify your options and to know better which support level fits better with your requirements. In addition, some Support policies have been improved after listening to all of your petitions like different support levels per node, software updates with product upgrades included...

02 August 2018

Following our Microsoft technical articles series, we’ve published how to load balance NTLM authentication based web applications dedicated to layer 4 but also layer 7 advanced options. Firstly, we explain how this authentication protocol designed form Microsoft works in order to be able to define different options to configure our virtual services with RELIANOID. Finally,...

02 May 2018

Following the Microsoft applications in High Availability article series, we proudly present the Exchange 2016 in HA definitive guide covering the support of Outlook Web Access with SSL Offload, Database Availability Group, service certificates, MAPI connections, etc. Check it out from our knowledge base: https://www.relianoid.com/knowledge-base/howtos/high-availability-and-site-resilience-for-microsoft-exchange-2016-owa-cas-array-and-dag/

19 April 2018

Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services is a key service in any corporation where this service is implemented. This new article details what is exactly ADFS and explain how it works, in order to understand the requirements to build an scalable service in high availability and with enhanced automatic disaster recovery. Check it out the technical...

04 April 2018

This article opens a new knowledge base article series of high availability configurations for several Microsoft solutions. This time, we explain how to setup a highly available and enhanced security for Remote Desktop Gateway and RD Web portal for virtual desktop of external clients. https://www.relianoid.com/knowledge-base/howtos/remote-desktop-gateway-and-rd-web-high-availability-for-rds-in-windows-server-2012/ Enjoy of high availability of your Microsoft solutions! You can...

27 February 2018

The RELIANOID Team is proud to announce the new layer 4 core named nftlb which stands for nftables load balancer, as it’s based on the next generation linux kernel nftables infrastructure. Thanks to the research and development during the last 2 years in collaboration with the netfilter core team, we’re able to release this new...

22 February 2018

In this new video, our colleague explains how to configure a Global Service Load Balancing service to scale and create high availability among all our public services in different data center locations. The flexibility of this technique is shown in these examples, active-active data centers and active and automatic disaster recovery scenarios. In addition, GSLB...

18 January 2018

Global Service Load Balancing, as well known as GSLB, is a load balancing technique that permits to build fault tolerance, automatic disaster recovery, load balancing across WAN servers and improved latency among different data center sites using the distributed DNS protocol. For that reason, we’ve compiled a technical article to show how easy is to...

04 January 2018

The recent Intel vulnerabilities are going to affect to all our data centers for a while. Let’s review all the keys in the following article and learn the preventive solutions to palliate the threats. https://www.relianoid.com/knowledge-base/misc/intel-firmware-and-processor-kernel-memory-leaking-vulnerabilities/

19 December 2017

Usually, during an infrastructure design it’s required to study the requirements of the services and estimate the resources needed to avoid oversizing or undersizing the platform, but even we need to decide between hardware or virtual environments where the first one provides more performance and less latency, but the second one flexibility. Every case should...

linux networking event
06 April 2017

NetDev the Linux Networking event In every edition of Netdev Conf we ask to ourselves: Where is the future of linux networking going? What are the new challenges to do more with less? Where is the bottleneck? Well, in the upcoming Netdev Conf 2.1 edition we’re going to face new technical challenges that the gurus...

02 March 2017

A big list of huge traffic websites and platforms like Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Quora, Trello and Slack have been affected this week due to the AWS S3 service in the US east region data center. But this kind of situations are already well known by thousands of websites and services when in August of 2011,...

01 December 2016

At RELIANOID we acknowledge the relevance of educating our future engineers in the Open Source way of thinking, way of developing. Therefore we found really interesting supporting the “Concurso Universitario de Software Libre” which stands for Open Source Competition at the University of Seville by becoming their main sponsors. This initiative encourage a wide range...