Moving to the Cloud? Don’t Forget Hardware Security

13 April, 2022 | Technical

Hardware security is imperative during cloud migration. It is very important to remind the clients whenever they talk about moving to the cloud. Being in the cloud is not considered a security measure. Cloud migration brings a few advantages, specifically in not having central on-site data servers, that’s considered the beginning from the security point of view.

With the increasing number and severity of cyber attacks, a company cannot rely on just the cloud services and/or their cloud provider for all their security needs. In this case, a more proactive approach has to be adopted by the company, one where security issues are taken more into account. One has to focus to minimize security problems while moving to the cloud.

Organizations continue to develop new applications or migrate to cloud-based services. Organizations that adopt cloud technologies and choose cloud service providers and services or certain applications without being fully informed about the risks involved, expose themselves to various risks. The risks and threats involved in migrating to the cloud are dynamic.

Security Parameters that must be taken into account while cloud migration:

The access management system should be well implemented
The majority of Data breaches are the result of human error. Good cloud security depends on smart access management. One has to adopt a safe and secure way to govern the access to files and with a strong password, policies to keep the access secure.

Local network security
If the hackers breach your local network, they can probably breach the cloud network as well. There is nothing too much for security when it comes to monitoring and defending local networks. An increasing number of brands are more towards implementing robust hardware security solutions that help in maintaining local network integrity.

Network administrator visibility and overview
Administrators always require tools that allow them to see in great detail the activities taking place on their network. Some of the traditional network admins may not be supporting GUI-based network management, but in most situations, a GUI presentation paired with good network data makes it easier to spot problems.

Security at application and device level
One of the biggest threats to corporate network security is the devices that employees use at work. Even a single compromised system can cause immense harm. Applications are to be created with keeping a strict eye on security and a lot of testing should be done before they go live. If you use BYOD policies, you need a network system that is capable of giving you oversight of what’s happening in the device and its network usage. Network Hardware cable of “Layer 7” oversight is recommended for better security.

Protection of Files and Data
You should never assume that your data is safe as it is in the cloud. Data stored in the cloud can be lost for any reason other than malicious attacks. Data can be deleted accidentally by the cloud service provider and can lead to permanent loss of data. It’s always good to double down on security and encryption systems, particularly for critical data. Uploading a file that is individually encrypted onto the cloud drives which are themselves encrypted, creates nearly an unbreakable double layer of protection. This method of a double layer of encryption is one of the few defense mechanisms against a potential breach of your cloud provider.

Updating and Patching Policies
You should never forget the need to update constantly. There should be a set protocol for Operating System, Firmware, and Malware protection up-gradation so as to ensure everything remains updated. Better would be to select a hardware vendor that can handle updates automatically, so as to minimize human error.

Cloud computing could be beneficial for large-scale businesses. It can help in data access when working from remote locations, makes the onboarding process simple, keeps data safe, and is cost-effective. Despite the benefits of cloud computing, hardware security is the major concern to be taken care of. Cloud computing together with hardware security could be very beneficial for businesses.

In the long run, some aspects of security remain the sole responsibility of the consumer. Failure of the consumers to understand their responsibilities is a cause of security threat in the cloud-based system.


Apoorva Singh Thakur


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