Loop DoS Attacks: Disrupting Datagram Application Layers

Posted by Relianoid Admin | 23 May, 2024 | Miscelanea

On March 19, 2024, a research team led by Prof. Dr. Christian Rossow at the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Germany unveiled a significant security threat. This threat exploited a widespread vulnerability found in application-layer services that utilize the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). Tracked through the identifier CVE-2024-2169, this vulnerability posed a serious risk to the stability and security of numerous systems.

Loop DoS Attack details

The attack vector, as detailed by the researchers, involved the manipulation of UDP datagrams to create a perpetual loop between vulnerable servers. By crafting a specific payload, attackers could provoke an error response from a vulnerable server, prompting it to send a failure datagram to another vulnerable server. This exchange would continue indefinitely, overwhelming the systems involved. Importantly, the nature of UDP communication allowed this loop to persist, unaffected by the IP Time-to-Live (TTL) hop count limiter.

To execute this attack, the aggressor needed to identify at least one additional vulnerable system running the same service as the target. By spoofing the source IP of the initial request, the attacker could deceive the victim into responding to another vulnerable server, thus initiating the loop. This process could be amplified by creating multiple loops between various vulnerable systems, potentially leading to a cascade effect capable of overloading the target.

The affected services encompassed a wide range of widely deployed protocols, including DNS, TFTP, NTP, Echo, Chargen, and QOTD. The vulnerability in NTP primarily affected systems using outdated versions of ntpd predating 2010. Additionally, legacy protocols such as Echo, Chargen, QOTD, Time, Daytime, and Active Users were found to be inherently vulnerable. While TFTP and DNS were still under investigation, the researchers emphasized the need for further input from operators of vulnerable systems to fully understand the extent of their vulnerabilities.

The implications of this vulnerability were concerning due to the stateless nature of UDP, which made legitimate services susceptible to abuse for volumetric amplification DDoS attacks. With the addition of loop DoS attacks, the potential for disruption and damage increased significantly. The researchers estimated that approximately 300,000 internet hosts were vulnerable to loop DoS attacks.

Loop DoS Vulnerable Systems

Detecting vulnerable systems became imperative in mitigating the risk posed by this vulnerability. The researchers at CISPA developed a tool to scan for and identify systems susceptible to the attack payloads they had discovered. This tool provided a means to assess and address the vulnerability, particularly for services such as DNS, TFTP, and NTP, for which attack payloads were defined in the simple_verify.py Python script.

Loop DoS Protection

Recommendations include minimizing exposure of UDP-based services, ensuring timely security patching, and implementing robust protection measures against abuse and anomalous activity.

Implementing DDoS protection solutions, such as RELIANOID IPDS, are required to maintain our services safe:

Hybrid DDoS Defense: Combine on-premise and cloud-based protection to defend against DDoS attacks in real-time. This strategy addresses both large-scale assaults and prevents network saturation.
Behavioral Anomaly Detection: Employ advanced detection systems to swiftly identify and block unusual network behaviors while allowing legitimate traffic to flow uninterrupted.
Rapid Signature Generation: Generate security signatures in real-time to promptly defend against unknown threats and zero-day attacks, enhancing overall network security.
Cybersecurity Emergency Response Planning: Establish a specialized team equipped to handle cybersecurity emergencies, particularly those related to Internet of Things (IoT) security breaches.
Threat Actor Intelligence: Utilize comprehensive data analysis to proactively identify and mitigate threats posed by known attackers, strengthening the network’s resilience against evolving cybersecurity risks.

RELIANOID ADC against Loop DoS Attacks

RELIANOID ADC offers robust solutions that can help protect and mitigate systems against loop DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. One primary method is through traffic inspection and intelligent filtering capabilities. RELIANOID load balancer and application delivery controller (ADC) can analyze incoming traffic patterns, detecting anomalies indicative of a loop DoS attack. By identifying and blocking malicious traffic, these systems prevent the perpetuation of the loop between vulnerable servers.

Additionally, RELIANOID ADC often include features such as rate limiting and connection throttling. These functionalities can help prevent the amplification of loop DoS attacks by limiting the rate at which requests are processed or connections are established. By imposing limits on the volume of traffic or the frequency of requests from individual sources, RELIANOID LB solutions can mitigate the impact of loop DoS attacks and ensure the stability and availability of systems.

Furthermore, RELIANOID products typically support granular access control and authentication mechanisms. By enforcing strict access policies and verifying the legitimacy of incoming requests, these solutions can effectively block unauthorized traffic attempting to exploit vulnerabilities and initiate loop DoS attacks. Additionally, advanced logging and reporting features provided by RELIANOID platforms enable administrators to monitor network activity closely, facilitating the early detection and response to potential threats, including loop DoS attacks.

Overall, RELIANOID ADC comprehensive suite of load balancing and application delivery solutions offers organizations the means to enhance their cybersecurity posture and defend against loop DoS attacks by leveraging intelligent traffic analysis, rate limiting, access control, and robust logging capabilities. Contact with our security experts.


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