
Posted by Admin | 15 September 2016

New Netdev edition, new networking challenges. Among all the 29 keynotes, talks, workshops, tutorials and BoFs of this edition, the next Netdev 1.2 becomes a great opportunity to challenge the...

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Posted by Admin | 14 September 2016

At ZenLB, we are working for releasing the next ZenLB Enterprise Edition 4.2, which at the moment is on testing process and it is scheduled to be released the next...

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Posted by Admin | 13 September 2016

In our challenge to ease availability, we’ve been building a new Disaster Recovery tool that permits to setup a ZNA64 3300 Hardware Appliance in less than 3 minutes using just...

235 LikesComments Off on Easing availability through Disaster Recovery improvements
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Posted by Admin | 07 September 2016

Last Netdev 1.1 Conference in Seville (Spain) was presented a design of a new sophisticated load balancing infrastructure which will permit not only more performance with less resources but also...

335 LikesComments Off on Load Balancing with nftables: Designing more with less
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Posted by Admin | 05 September 2016

ZVNcloud is a Load Balancing as a service solution developed in the cloud powered by #ZenLoadBalancer technology and #DigitalOcean cloud platform to orchestrate load balancing services on demand. Thanks to...

286 LikesComments Off on Reaching more than 70,000 HTTP requests per second in Cloud Load Balancing
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Posted by Admin | 30 August 2016

The technology evolution is continuously challenging the infrastructure needs to become more flexible and easier to maintain. In regards to fit these requirements was designed ZVNcloud, the Load Balancing as...

277 LikesComments Off on ZVNcloud, the LBaaS platform for hybrid clouds
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Posted by Admin | 26 August 2016

We’re proud to become a sponsor again for Netdev 1.2 in Tokyo on October 5-7. Netdevconf is the most important Linux Networking Developers conference worldwide. See you there! CHECK OUR...

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Posted by Admin | 12 August 2016

On our childhood, who hasn’t played sending hidden or encoded messages with friends? The lemon juice was a good game. Writing what we wanted to share with lemon juice on...

231 LikesComments Off on Robust keys generation for the highest security
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Posted by Admin | 10 August 2016

In the Digital Era and moving to a hyper-connected world the data availability must be ensured and secured. The failure or unavailability of any system have a high cost and...

250 LikesComments Off on Australian Bureau of Statistics’s Census 2016 Availability Study
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Posted by Admin | 08 August 2016

Imagine than all the population of London City and its metropolitan area click in the same time in your website. Will your applications support it? The benchmarks of the new...

298 LikesComments Off on Supporting 10 millions of HTTP connections with ZVA 4100
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