
linux networking event
Posted by Admin | 06 April 2017

NetDev the Linux Networking event In every edition of Netdev Conf we ask to ourselves: Where is the future of linux networking going? What are the new challenges to do...

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Posted by Admin | 02 March 2017

A big list of huge traffic websites and platforms like Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Quora, Trello and Slack have been affected this week due to the AWS S3 service in the...

287 LikesComments Off on Avoiding AWS Amazon Cloud Outage
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Posted by Admin | 01 December 2016

At RELIANOID we acknowledge the relevance of educating our future engineers in the Open Source way of thinking, way of developing. Therefore we found really interesting supporting the “Concurso Universitario...

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Posted by Admin | 16 November 2016

At LibreCon 2016 will be discussed how Open Source can take part on the digitalisation process of the Industry and Financial sector, facing the challenges of online connectivity, security, availability...

273 LikesComments Off on Attending LibreCon’16 | Open Source for industry and finance
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Posted by Admin | 11 November 2016

Smart shoppers are increasing rapidly among traditional ones. Days as Black Friday and Cyber Monday are specially set for attracting this audience, offering in such as short period of time...

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Posted by Admin | 17 October 2016

These two pages were the beginning of Load Balancing with nftables project, developed between Pablo Neira (Netfilter Core Team) and Laura García (Zen Load Balancer Team) and presented at the last Netdev 1.2...

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Posted by Admin | 10 October 2016

In this post we’re going to highlight the most important topics and discussions addressed in Netdev 1.2 in Tokyo the last 5th-7th of October to create the networking evolution in...

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Posted by Admin | 28 September 2016

Due the Digital Era we live in, it is rare finding a company which dispense with computer technology. Nowadays, IT technologies are a must for delivering a business services, reason...

292 LikesComments Off on Cost-effective IT investment with Open Technologies
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Posted by Admin | 21 September 2016

We’re proud to launch the latest Zen Load Balancer Enterprise Edition 4.2 release, which includes great new features that were requested from our users, improvements that helps our users to...

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Posted by Admin | 20 September 2016

At Zen Load Balancer we are up to date with the latest security alerts and for ensuring the right functionality of our services and the security of our users, we...

285 LikesComments Off on ZenLB Security Advisory for GnuTLS library and OCSP certificates
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