This article opens a new knowledge base article series of high availability configurations for several Microsoft solutions. This time, we explain how to setup a highly available and enhanced security...
The RELIANOID Team is proud to announce the new layer 4 core named nftlb which stands for nftables load balancer, as it’s based on the next generation linux kernel nftables...
In this new video, our colleague explains how to configure a Global Service Load Balancing service to scale and create high availability among all our public services in different data...
Global Service Load Balancing, as well known as GSLB, is a load balancing technique that permits to build fault tolerance, automatic disaster recovery, load balancing across WAN servers and improved...
The recent Intel vulnerabilities are going to affect to all our data centers for a while. Let’s review all the keys in the following article and learn the preventive solutions...
Usually, during an infrastructure design it’s required to study the requirements of the services and estimate the resources needed to avoid oversizing or undersizing the platform, but even we need...
NetDev the Linux Networking event In every edition of Netdev Conf we ask to ourselves: Where is the future of linux networking going? What are the new challenges to do...
A big list of huge traffic websites and platforms like Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Quora, Trello and Slack have been affected this week due to the AWS S3 service in the...
At RELIANOID we acknowledge the relevance of educating our future engineers in the Open Source way of thinking, way of developing. Therefore we found really interesting supporting the “Concurso Universitario...
Smart shoppers are increasing rapidly among traditional ones. Days as Black Friday and Cyber Monday are specially set for attracting this audience, offering in such as short period of time...