Relianoid Admin

Posted by Relianoid Admin | 29 November 2023

For heightened security and optimal data encryption, effective October 31, 2024, Microsoft mandates that interactions with Azure services must be secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 or later. This...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 16 November 2023

Sberbank, a major Russian financial institution, recently disclosed that it encountered an exceptionally potent distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, marking it as the most formidable in recent history, according...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 10 November 2023

A campaign known as “Stayin’ Alive” has been actively targeting government organizations and telecommunication service providers across Asia since 2021. Aim of the attack Employing a diverse array of “disposable”...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 08 November 2023

A massive telecommunications outage struck Australia, leaving millions of citizens and businesses without mobile and internet services due to a network failure at the telecommunications company Optus. This disruption led...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 07 November 2023

We are proud to announce the release of RELIANOID Community Edition v7! Changelog The new features achieved with this release are: [system] Full rebranding to RELIANOID [system] Kernel 6.1 based...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 30 October 2023

Singapore, renowned for its cutting-edge digital infrastructure, was struck by a sudden and disruptive digital service outage on October 14th, 2023. This unforeseen event left businesses and the general public...

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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 25 October 2023

In our current digital landscape, where websites and applications need to be available 24/7, load balancers play a crucial role in distributing traffic across multiple servers to ensure optimal performance...

65 LikesComments Off on The Pain Points of Load Balancers and How RELIANOID Solves Them
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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 24 October 2023

Cyberattacks are a constant threat, and the latest victim is none other than the Japanese company Casio. Attackers have reportedly breached their servers, compromising the personal information of thousands of...

53 LikesComments Off on Casio Cyberattack Highlights the Urgent Need for Robust Cybersecurity even in Educational Sector
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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 16 October 2023

In today’s increasingly connected world, airlines are not just responsible for ensuring the safety of passengers during flights but also safeguarding their digital presence. As airlines have embraced technology to...

61 LikesComments Off on Flying Safely in the Digital Age: Cybersecurity applied to Airlines and their online selling platforms
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Posted by Relianoid Admin | 11 October 2023

We are delighted to announce the release of RELIANOID Community Edition v5.21.0. Changelog The new features and improvements achieved with this release are: [system] seamless upgrade from Community Edition to...

39 LikesComments Off on New release RELIANOID ADC LOAD BALANCER Community Edition v5.21.0
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