New Features:
[farms] HTTPS Backends. The load balancer can manage https connections to backends, ssl offload can be disabled.
[farms] HTTP timeouts. Added new timeout fields for managing time in response and request headers
[farms] L4 agnostic protocol. It can be balanced any kind of protocol, not only UDP or TCP.
[farms] Added priority algorithm for L4 load balancing.
[cluster] Added a new timeout field for managing the response time for switching the service.
[gui] Added a logout button in the web gui.
[system] Run own scripts. Added the possibility for making own scripts that are executed in events: start / stop service, i.e. firewall configuration, sending mails, etc.
[L4 masquerade] the farm connects to backends from the IP in the same subnet that backend.
[farms] HTTP and HTTPS in a farm. Now the HTTPS configuration is a property of HTTP farms, not a different farm.
[farms] TNAT and UNAT in a farm. Now TCP or UDP protocols can be managed in the same L4 farm.
[gui] For saving resources, RRD graphs are created on the fly, not in a cron task.
[gui] Solved bug for syncing web gui user password and root system user password
[farms] L4 CONNECTIONS. Solved issue for showing connections status in L4 farms
[Farmguardian] Solved bug for managing backend checks and backends status.
[farms] Improvement in some HTTP regular expression for VIrtual Host and Redirect fields.