RELIANOID 8.0.0 (Enterprise Edition)

Announcement Date: 18 June, 2024

New features:
[system] new OS based on Debian Bookworm and kernel 6.1
[system] OpenSSLv3, Python3, Perl 5.36 and Curl 7 support
[system] ISO size optimization for a lightweight deployment
[farms] reverse proxy support for auto DH ciphers generation
[system] seamless update from EEv6 and CEv7
[letsencrypt] automated backup-recovery certificates feature
[lslb] add priority to backends
[lslb] introduce least response scheduler for http farms
[ipds] introduce Multi Factor Authentication module with support for Radius, AD, LDAP and Google Captchav2

[api] refactoring API to avoid source code duplication
[system] switch services to systemd
[ipds] update OWASP CRS
[core] advanced best QA practices applied
[system] new activation certificates system
[gslb] seamless reload of configuration

Check all the details on the Release Notes.
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